Team Tobati 2020 - Travel Groups
The adult leader in each group will be in charge of the student passports and tickets in the airports. The entire travel team should make sure that each member of the group stays in the gate area once we are within an hour of boarding and boards the plane. International flights normally board an hour before departure time. We can't have students wandering around the airport when boarding is going on.
- Equipo Lacrosse: Mr. Hild, Conor Caneday, Owen Jakacky, Teddy Crowther, Patrick Schwab, Sam Krugman, Chris Sienko
- Equipo Béisbol: Mrs. Garcia, Riley Gravel, Sam Smith, Mitch Autorino, Mike Demio, Alexander Garcia
- Group 3: Mr. Hissick, Sadie Margolis, Margo Dowgiewicz, Izzy Berckemeyer. Brooke Seaver, Annelise Vaughn, Bella Herz, Cohl D’addabbo, Kyle Frankel, Jacob Schwartz
- Group 4: Ms. Weldon, Audrey Decker, Angelina Maselli, Remy McCoy, Molly Jones, Henry Krieble, Jack Risley, Landon White
- Group 5: Ms. Rose, Allie wildstein, Stella Risinger, Alyssa Pavano, Naomi Wong, Jared Cotte, Rasheed Patterson, Evan Bygrave, Justin Edwards
- Group 6: Ms. Lowit, Lucia Volin, Elsa Ciscel, Kate Beck, Caroline Boardman, Grant Pennoyer, Drini Puka, Shrinaath Narasimhan
- Group 7: Ms. Cameron, Catherine Daniels, Shreeya Chalikonda, Murphy Kearney, Niki Taylor, Izzy Jacobson, Kobe Braunstein
- Group 8: Ms. Tuckler, Maya Sirkis, Aliza Sadiq, Halle Stolzenburg, Mia Brown, James Beerbower, Henry Pelletier, Chris Morris
- Group 9: Ms. Paszczuk, Esha Kataria, Juanita Asapokhai, Julia Kanaan, Amelia Boardman, Cai Kuivila, Serafina Squatrito, Walter Kraus, Marrich Somridhivej, David Shi, Aakash Gunturu