Team Tobati 2020 Gameplan
Team Tobati 2020 - Gameplan
Sunday - March 8, 2020
23:59 Hs. Team arrives at Silvio Petirossi Airport (Asunción) on Copa Flight #207.
March 9, 2020
1:30 AM - Team members leave the airport after going through customs and getting tourist visas
3:00 AM - Team arrives at Central Headquarters and eats snacks. After unwinding for a little bit, the team gets their personal suitcase and goes to the house of their host family. Donation suitcases are left at Central Headquarters.
12:00 PM Lunch at assigned locations
12:45 The entire team gathers at Central Headquarters before heading to the Athletic Complex for team building activities organized by the Macchi School.
3:30 All 7 Work Groups depart for their afternoon activities
6:30 PM Dinner at assigned locations
7:15 Team gathers at Central Headquarters before going to the Macchi School for the official welcoming ceremony at the Macchi School. Macchi School and KO students will perform songs and give speeches.
Tuesday - March 10, 2020
7:30 AM Optional breakfast at assigned locations
7:45 Team members gather at Central Headquarters before going to the Macchi School to take part in the school's morning assembly. KO students will sing the US national anthem at the assembly.
8:30 7 work groups leave from the school to their activities of the morning
12:00 PM Lunch and siesta
1:45 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters before the afternoon activities
2:00 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters before the afternoon activities
6:45 Dinner at assigned locations
7:30 Entire team gathers at Central Headquarters before heading to the athletic complex for an evening of soccer, volleyball, ice cream, and jokes.
March 11, 2020
7:30 AM Optional breakfast at assigned locations
8:00 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
8:15 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters
12:00 PM Lunch and Siesta
1:45 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
2:00 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters
6:45 Dinner
7:30 Entire team gathers at Central Headquarters before heading to a carnival of games put on by the Macchi School students. Kermes 7ma. Edición.
Thursday March 12, 2020
7:30 AM Optional breakfast at assigned locations
8:00 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
8:15 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters
12:00 PM Lunch and Siesta
1:45 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters
2:00 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
6:45 Hs. Dinner at Assigned Locations
7:30 Hs. Team gathers at Central Headquarters and then goes to the athletic complex for soccer, volleyball, and ice cream fun
March 13, 2020
8:00 AM 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters
8:15 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
12:00 PM Lunch and siesta
1:45 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
2:00 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters
6:30 Dinner at assigned locations
7:30 The entire team gathers at Central Headquarters before going to the Polideportivo for Paraguay Night. The cost of entry is $10.
Saturday March 14, 2020
9:20 AM All team members gather at Central Headquarters
10:30 a 11:40 All groups move on to their mid-morning activity
12:00 PM Lunch and extended siesta - Team take this time to finalize their outfits for the competition and to get their minds' right
6:00 Dinner at assigned locations
7:00 The entire group gathers at Central Headquarters before going to the polideportivo for the dance competition
Sunday March 15, 2020
12:00 PM Lunch
3:30 Entire team goes to the Hotel Vista Serrana for a Pool Party. The team will have dinner at the pool party and than walk to the athletic complex. Students should pack clothes for soccer, volleyball, etc.
8:00 Entire team walks over to the Athletic Complex
Monday March 16, 2020
8:00 AM 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
8:15 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters
12:00 PM Lunch and siesta
1:45 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
2:00 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
7:00 Dinner at assigned locations
8:00 Team goes to the Hotel Vista Serrana for the going away ceremony. Team members should wear white.
Tuesday March 17, 2020
8:30 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
8:45 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters
12:00 PM Lunch and siesta
2:00 The entire team gathers at Central Headquarters and then goes to the Macchi School to say goodbye to the students and teacher of the Macchi School. A team photo will be taken of all the students from both Paraguay and the United States.
7:00 Dinner at Assigned Locations
8:00 Entire team gathers at Central Headquarters with their luggage ready to head home. Trucks will go to each house to pick up the bags.
10:30 PM Team leaves for the airport in Asuncion
María José Ayala Rodríguez
Coordinadora de Vistas del Team Tobati.
E-mail. [email protected]
Cel. Num 0986 949 025
Sunday - March 8, 2020
23:59 Hs. Team arrives at Silvio Petirossi Airport (Asunción) on Copa Flight #207.
March 9, 2020
1:30 AM - Team members leave the airport after going through customs and getting tourist visas
3:00 AM - Team arrives at Central Headquarters and eats snacks. After unwinding for a little bit, the team gets their personal suitcase and goes to the house of their host family. Donation suitcases are left at Central Headquarters.
12:00 PM Lunch at assigned locations
12:45 The entire team gathers at Central Headquarters before heading to the Athletic Complex for team building activities organized by the Macchi School.
3:30 All 7 Work Groups depart for their afternoon activities
- LA MAQUINA works on their choreography for the dance competition at the Macchi School.
- LOS REBELDES work at small brick factory.
- FUERZA works at larger brick factory.
- FUEGO works at garden at the Macchi School.
- UNIDAD works on pottery at the village of 21 de Julio.
- SOLDADOS go to the village of Rosado to work on wood carvings, to buy souvenirs (bring money), and to go on a hike throughout the mountains.
- ENERGIA works on the park next to the Macchi School.
6:30 PM Dinner at assigned locations
7:15 Team gathers at Central Headquarters before going to the Macchi School for the official welcoming ceremony at the Macchi School. Macchi School and KO students will perform songs and give speeches.
Tuesday - March 10, 2020
7:30 AM Optional breakfast at assigned locations
7:45 Team members gather at Central Headquarters before going to the Macchi School to take part in the school's morning assembly. KO students will sing the US national anthem at the assembly.
8:30 7 work groups leave from the school to their activities of the morning
- LA MAQUINA works on the construction of a kitchen at a grade school in Ensenada
- LOS REBELDES work on the choreography of their dance and then visit the houses of Macchi students
- FUERZA visits the homes of Macchi students and then works on the choreography of their dance
- FUEGO works in a sugarcane field
- UNIDAD paints park in the church plaza in the center of town
- SOLDADOS work on the choreography of their dance and then visit the houses of Macchi students
- ENERGIA visits the homes of Macchi students and then works on the choreography of their dance
12:00 PM Lunch and siesta
1:45 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters before the afternoon activities
- UNIDAD works on their dance choreography and then participates in Spanish and Guarani classes at the Macchi School
- SOLDADOS distribute toothbrushes and soccer balls to grade schools
- ENERGIA participates in Spanish and Guarani classes at the Macchi School and then works on their dance choreography
2:00 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters before the afternoon activities
- LA MAQUINA distributes toothbrushes and soccer balls at Tobati grade schools
- LOS REBELDES go to the village of Rosado to work on wood carvings, to buy souvenirs (bring money), and to go on a hike throughout the mountains.
- FUERZA works at the grade school at San Jose Obrero.
- UNIDAD works on their dance choreography and then participates in Spanish and Guarani classes at the Macchi School
6:45 Dinner at assigned locations
7:30 Entire team gathers at Central Headquarters before heading to the athletic complex for an evening of soccer, volleyball, ice cream, and jokes.
March 11, 2020
7:30 AM Optional breakfast at assigned locations
8:00 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- LA MAQUINA works on their dance choreography and then participates in Spanish and Guarani classes at the Macchi School
- LOS REBELDES participate in Spanish and Guarani classes at the Macchi School and then works on their dance choreography
- FUERZA works on the construction of a kitchen at a grade school in Ensenada
- FUEGO paints park in the church plaza in the center of town
8:15 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- UNIDAD works on their dance choreography and then participates in Spanish and Guarani classes at the Macchi School
- SOLDADOS participate in Spanish and Guarani classes at the Macchi School and then works on their dance choreography
- ENERGIA work on service project at the Tobati Hospital
12:00 PM Lunch and Siesta
1:45 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- LA MAQUINA work at sugarcane field
- LOS REBELDES distribute brushes and soccer balls at Tobati grade schools
- FUERZA works on their dance choreography and then participates in Spanish and Guarani classes at the Macchi School
- FUEGO participate in Spanish and Guarani classes at the Macchi School and then works on their dance choreography
2:00 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- UNIDAD go to the village of Rosado to work on wood carvings, to buy souvenirs (bring money), and to go on a hike throughout the mountains.
- SOLDADOS work on the construction of a sidewalk at the Macchi School
- ENERGIA works on their dance choreography and then participates in Spanish and Guarani classes at the Macchi School
6:45 Dinner
7:30 Entire team gathers at Central Headquarters before heading to a carnival of games put on by the Macchi School students. Kermes 7ma. Edición.
Thursday March 12, 2020
7:30 AM Optional breakfast at assigned locations
8:00 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- LA MAQUINA work on their dance choreography at the Macchi School and then work in a larger brick factory
- LOS REBELDES work at a larger brick factory and then work on their dance choreography
- FUERZA works on service project at the Tobati Hospital
- FUEGO learns to cook typical Paraguayan food at the Macchi School and then works on their dance choreography
8:15 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- UNIDAD paints at the Parochial Home
- SOLDADOS reviews their dance choreography and works at a larger brick factory
- ENERGIA learns to cook typical Paraguayan food at the Macchi School and then works on their dance choreography
12:00 PM Lunch and Siesta
1:45 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- UNIDAD reviews their dance choreography and then works at a larger brick factory
- SOLDADOS work on service project at the Tobati river
- ENERGIA distributes toothbrushes and soccer balls at Tobati grade schools
2:00 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- LA MAQUINA goes to the village of Rosado to work on wood carvings, to buy souvenirs (bring money), and to go on a hike throughout the mountains.
- LOS REBELDES go to the village of 21 de Julio to work on traditional pottery
- FUERZA reviews their dance choreography at the Macchi School and then works at a larger brick factory
- UNIDAD works at a larger brick factory and then goes to the Macchi School to review their dance choreography
6:45 Hs. Dinner at Assigned Locations
7:30 Hs. Team gathers at Central Headquarters and then goes to the athletic complex for soccer, volleyball, and ice cream fun
March 13, 2020
8:00 AM 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- UNIDAD works on the construction of a kitchen at a grade school in Ensenada
- SOLDADOS plants trees with peace corps volunteers
- ENERGIA learns traditional Paraguayan dance in preparation for a performance
8:15 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- LA MAQUINA works on the construction of a sidewalk at the Macchi School
- LOS REBELDES work at a sugarcane farm
- FUERZA works on performance for Paraguay night
- FUEGO distributes toothbrushes and soccer balls at Tobati grade schools
12:00 PM Lunch and siesta
1:45 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- LA MAQUINA works at the Macchi School park
- LOS REBELDES paint classrooms at the Macchi School
- FUERZA works at a sugarcane farm
- FUEGO goes to the village of Rosado to work on wood carvings, to buy souvenirs (bring money), and to go on a hike throughout the mountains.
2:00 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- UNIDAD works on a service project at the Tobati river
- SOLDADOS work at the Macchi School graden
- ENERGIA works at the Macchi School library
6:30 Dinner at assigned locations
7:30 The entire team gathers at Central Headquarters before going to the Polideportivo for Paraguay Night. The cost of entry is $10.
Saturday March 14, 2020
9:20 AM All team members gather at Central Headquarters
- EQUIPO UNIDAD, SOLDADOS, and ENERGIA go on a lovely hike of Tobati and go shopping (bring money) at the Artisan Collective
- LA MAQUINA, LOS REBELDES, FUERZA, and FUEGO go to the Polideportivo for a final dance competition practice
10:30 a 11:40 All groups move on to their mid-morning activity
- EQUIPO UNIDAD, SOLDADOS, and ENERGIA go to the polideportivo for a final rehearsal for the dance competition
- LA MAQUINA, LOS REBELDES, FUERZA, and FUEGO go on a lovely hike of Tobati and go shopping (bring money) at the Artisan Collective
12:00 PM Lunch and extended siesta - Team take this time to finalize their outfits for the competition and to get their minds' right
6:00 Dinner at assigned locations
7:00 The entire group gathers at Central Headquarters before going to the polideportivo for the dance competition
Sunday March 15, 2020
12:00 PM Lunch
3:30 Entire team goes to the Hotel Vista Serrana for a Pool Party. The team will have dinner at the pool party and than walk to the athletic complex. Students should pack clothes for soccer, volleyball, etc.
8:00 Entire team walks over to the Athletic Complex
Monday March 16, 2020
8:00 AM 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- LA MAQUINA works on service project at grade school in Costa Alegre.
- LOS REBELDES paint at the Parochial Home.
- Fuerza goes to the village of Rosado to work on wood carvings, to buy souvenirs (bring money), and to go on a hike throughout the mountains.
- FUEGO goes to the village of 21 de Julio to work on traditional pottery
8:15 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- SOLDADOS work on the construction of a kitchen at a grade school in Ensenada
- UNIDAD works at a sugarcane farm.
- ENERGIA works on service project at grade school in Costa Alegre.
12:00 PM Lunch and siesta
1:45 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- UNIDAD visits the homes of Macchi students
- SOLDADOS paint classrooms at the Macchi School
- ENERGIA goes to the village of Rosado to work on wood carvings, to buy souvenirs (bring money), and to go on a hike throughout the mountains.
2:00 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- LA MAQUINA works at the park next to the Macchi School
- LOS REBELDES works at the garden of the Macchi School
- Fuerza works on traditional Paraguayan pottery in 21 de Julio
- FUEGO paints classrooms at the Macchi School
7:00 Dinner at assigned locations
8:00 Team goes to the Hotel Vista Serrana for the going away ceremony. Team members should wear white.
Tuesday March 17, 2020
8:30 4 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- LA MAQUINA paints benches at the Macchi School.
- LOS REBELDES work on a service project in Costa Alegre.
- Fuerza works at the park at the Macchi School
- FUEGO works on the sidewalk at the Macchi School
8:45 3 groups gather at Central Headquarters
- UNIDAD distributes toothbrushes and soccer balls to Tobati grade schools
- SOLDADOS work on a service project at the grade school in San Jose Obrero.
- ENERGIA works at a sugarcane farm
12:00 PM Lunch and siesta
2:00 The entire team gathers at Central Headquarters and then goes to the Macchi School to say goodbye to the students and teacher of the Macchi School. A team photo will be taken of all the students from both Paraguay and the United States.
7:00 Dinner at Assigned Locations
8:00 Entire team gathers at Central Headquarters with their luggage ready to head home. Trucks will go to each house to pick up the bags.
10:30 PM Team leaves for the airport in Asuncion
María José Ayala Rodríguez
Coordinadora de Vistas del Team Tobati.
E-mail. [email protected]
Cel. Num 0986 949 025

Team Tobati 2020 Gameplan in Spanish.docx | |
File Size: | 159 kb |
File Type: | docx |